Friday, July 26, 2019

My experience doing a blog...

This is the final class of English III and the end of the English blog, I love the page, is easy to use and has a complete customisation, maybe I will continue use it regularly, it was a good experience, thanks to these classes now I know more words in my English vocabulary.

The blog class was good to learn English and meet other people… and sure develop my writing skill, now I can write in English without much misspellings and my redaction now is better than before.

Maybe I will use this blog to publish the two thinks I love in my life, the science and the animation and illustration, of course, like scientific and interesting articles about the medical heath or recommend a good animated series… or it can be the both things in the same post.

English is an important subject that offer us the capacity of communicate to people of the other parts of the world, yeah, in all part, or almost all part in the world, because it is considered the universal language, thanks to that we can make English, French, German and others friends, or guide a foreign on our country and the way to communicate. Although it can help in the work, if you have a good level of English, a foreign company can contract too.

See ya!

Friday, July 19, 2019

The brain and the vision sense...

The human body is one of the most complex anatomy of the animal kingdom, the human is conscious of their actions and they can solve complex problems that other organism cant because they just use the instinct.

One of the most interesting organ that make that difference with others animal is that our brains is more developed, give us the capacity of think and solve problems in the most efficient way. But I will talk about the work between this organ and the eyes, that it give us the sense of vision, both located in the superior part of the head.

The vision is the most human sense utilised for the humans, then there is the sense of hear. The vision can tell us the location of some nearly things, it allows us to orient ourselves and know where we are. Most of humans trust of this sense, we trust what we see, and see cute and amazing things make us feel an immensity of pleasure, like a photograph or a painting, sometimes, with help of the brain, see a thing give us memories of the old times.

Our eyes are little organs, like a ping pong ball, but they are amazing, so we need to take care of them, because they are very delicate, we need to care about ocular infections, high lights exposure (because the eyes work in base a parameter of light, and so much light can damage your vision), and external damage. To keep it in the best state, we need to be alert if our eyes hurt, it can be an infection, if you use contact glasses, always wash your hand before put them. To take care about lights, a recommendation is that you should not use devices with light screen in a dark place, the contrast of light and the dark of the place make your eyes work more than normally do and it can stun our vision. If you know that something can hurt you in the face, especially the superior part of the head, always use protectors, for example, if you have to go the laboratory, and you know that the reaction what you will do is aggressive, you need to use a eyes protector like security measure.

And that’s is all, take care of your vision, it is one of the most important sense that humans and other animal have, we can live without it, but will be no the same if it always we used it in the past.

Friday, July 12, 2019

My favorite subject...

I studying the career of pharmaceutical chemistry, i am in the first term and the subject that more I like is the pharmaceutical chemist and his action.
Image result for cioccolata jojo
In this subject there are most of 100 people, so it divided in 4 sections. I like this subject because in class show how a pharmaceutical chemist work and in what area he can work, also there is a pharmacology section, where teach about pharmacological terminology. It is a theoretical subject, but sometimes it has field trips to laboratories or hospitals where a pharmaceutical chemist works. There are professional speech too, in that’s speech a professional chemical pharmaceutical talk about how work, what area it is, salary, etc., sometimes are proprietaries of cosmetic company or  a chain of independent drugstores, that people inspire me to finish my career and be a professional, and in the speech the work sound fun, and I like it.

The reason why I want to study a career related with chemistry was because in school my favorite subject was chemistry and biology, physics no because, for my, it was boring. In chemistry the theoretical class always was interesting, I like know about how the basic unit of we all see act and do that a thing serve to a purpose, so I was wanted to work whit chemical when I grow up, now im studying what I wanted in the past.

Image result for periodic table

Friday, July 5, 2019

An admirable person...

One motive of I choose my career was because I love chemistry, when I was a scholar that was my favorite subject, and in one class of nuclear chemistry, the teacher mention one scientific that won the novel prize of chemistry and the nobel prize of Physics, and it was a woman named Marie Currie, the mother of the nuclear chemistry.
Image result for marie curie

She was a pioneer on the field of radioactivity, she born in Poland and she had a husband named Pierre Curie, the two of them won the Nobel prize of physics, because the two makes greats discovers about the radioactive phenomena, three years after, her husband dies in a road accident, so Marie curie decide to make a tribute contributing in the creation of a new laboratory in honor of his husband. A little time after she discover two new elements, that was the radium and the polonium, named like her natal country, for this discover she won the Nobel prize of chemistry in 1911. She continues to improve the study of radioactivity until she dies of anemia for the exposure a radiation.

I like Marie Curie because I was the first person in win two Nobel prizes of two different fields of science, and she discovered two elements, that is amazing, not any person can do that, when I was graduated of my career I wish make discovers like Marie Curie, an do advances to science to improve ours life.

Image result for marie curie

Friday, June 28, 2019

About pets and family...

In all my life, my family has a pet, usually a dog, they are like part of the family, they are funny, curious and loyal, nowadays  I have 2 dogs and a cat, but in this post I will talk about an exotic pet that I had some years ago…

Image result for hedgehog wayside
When I was 13 years old, in my birthday, my parents gift me a hedgehog, I named it Federico, it was a good mate, we always play together when I took it out of its cage, it was quick when it run, and very smart, one time he fall out of a table and since that occasion it was more cautious with the borders of all superficies, always watching if the height is safe.

One day in biology I use he to expose about primary depredators, feeding him whit worms, thanks to him I had a good mark in that class. Well all was happy; I think he had a good life… until one day that he got cancer and died.

I love all my pets for equal, because all of the bring me company, they are loyal, and very cute, I like play with them, and I like the crazy things they do.

Image result for hedgehog salt and pepper

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The best picture I´ve ever seen

well… yeah… it will sound ridiculous, my favorite picture is a cyber-joke named “the hedgehog of the good luck”, but I have my reasons to it.

The picture show a cute hedgehog with a funny face over a empty watermelon, I saw it the last year and it was taken by a internet user that I don´t know who is it. I like it because the little animal is so cute, and i like cute things, also, exotic pet are unique to see. The concept… well… is a joke… but it has potential to appear in a publicity of food or something like that.

Other thing that makes me feel this picture is nostalgic, because i used to have a hedgehod like pet, but it died of cancer some years ago (so sad…), and yeah, this remind me to my first pet, who has that funny face too.

After you read all of this you will expect that i am an user that consume his time watching dog and kitten photos in internet… and you are not wrong… I can pass hours watching kitten photos, maybe I´m weak to cute things…

Friday, June 7, 2019

My favourite book (if it count as a book)...

I like read books, some of them like the Necro-nomicon and Dracula has and interesting plot. Some of them can show the distant past, when they were written, so it is hard to decide what is the best of all, all are good in their own way… but if I can consider a graphic book like a book, It is more easy choose one, because I love the combination of an illustration and a story, it interesting to see.

If I need to choose one of all, including the graphic novels, I choose Jojo´s bizarre adventure: steel ball run, because has an original concept and has a good character development, all of them have their motives, so no one can be consider like an evil person, this book is consider one of the best of his genre.
The plot of this book, is literally “a cowboy’s race organized by the president of EEUU. To search the parts of Jesus body”… yeah, it sounds ridiculous, but the concept was well executed, the protagonist, Johnny Joestar, after an incident, it becomes paraplegic, so he participate in the race to collect the Jesus body to recover his legs, because someone say that the Jesus body can make your dreams true, however the president of united states wants the Jesus parts too, to protect his country of wars, poverty, all the things that are bad, although the cost will be that the bad things will occur in other parts of the world. So the president sent his minions to defeat Johnny, Johnny makes a friend in the race, Gyro, who want to win the race to save a child who will be executed, so the two make a team to complete their objectives.

I finished it the past week, I recommend it because has an interesting plot, the character are good designed, their past are adjusted with their goals, it has occidental musical references like love train of The O'Jays or dirty deeds done dirt cheap of AC/DC. 10/10

If you finish it, I recommend continue with Jojolion, the new part of Jojo, it is not finished, but for now it is in the same level of steel ball run, and it can be better.

Friday, May 31, 2019

We all love technology...

Well, technology is an important part of our life like humans of the 21st century, all our routines include a technological artifact like a computer, a TV, internet, etc. Even in studies is important to download documents to do the homework, etc.

Related imageIt´s hard select a technological artifact like the best, but for me, it is the computer, because is the most complete, I mean, it has everything that so much other device have, like you can see TV programs online, you can download document, it has programs to write reports, you can share images, etc.

I got my first computer when I was 6 years old, in that age I use it to play games and draw in paint, I have a cousin that he had a computer in a younger age too and we usually talk about techniques to paint in Photoshop.
I use this device for talk to other people, watch series, do homework, to draw, etc. the majority of time I use the internet function of the computer, it is really funny, sometimes in my free time I use it to play some video games.

The life without this device can be like buy other artifacts that can do things like the computer offers, like a TV to see material audio-visual, a written machine to write reports, the phone for communicate to long distances, etc. so, in that case our house would be full of devices, and the money to maintain it will be almost the double, so the life in this scenario can seems be a little hard.
The evolution of technology is fast, what will we have in a few years more?.

Image result for serial experiments lain

Friday, May 24, 2019

About my career...

Well... I'm studying chemistry and pharmacy on the university of Chile, but why I make this choice?.

When I was a child I have a lot of jobs that I like, but when I was in first grade of secondary  I wanted to be a medic, because they have a good salary to live a happy and a quiet life, and of course, I love science related things, that was my only favorite school subject, so my way was nearly there.

However, at my last year of high school I decided to study other career, because medicine needs a lot of points in the university selection test, AND THAT HAS 10 YEARS OF STUDY.  I'm not good whit that of studying... Well... I had good grades in my school, but I hate study, it is so boring, and 10 years of a hard study will be a 10 years of suffering.  I search another career and I found the chemical and pharmaceutics sciences, I look into the jobs that the career offered, and I love them, and that was only 5 years of study, the half, so when I graduated of school, I wish to become a chemistry.

I'm in my first year of university, I have averages grades and some good friends, so I can say I have a average university life, and I'm proud of that, my only desire is live a quiet life.

When i graduated of the university, i wish to work manage a drugstore.

Friday, April 5, 2019

About me...

I have various names in the social media, but in this page I prefer you can call me “lemonade boy”, why I select this name?, because is the special attack of my avatar profile, Goujin Tetsunosuke. I’m from Chile and I studied in Don Bosco School, now I’m studying in the university (Universidad de Chile) to become a pharmaceutical chemist.

About my family, I have a normal parents, two normal brothers, living in a normal house a normal life, I was born on 15 of February, near the valentine day date. I like watch web and TV series, my favorite TV show is Jojo´s bizarre adventure.

I said before I have a normal life, but in the social media is a little different, I have various names in different sites like lemonade boy, el-jojosxd, etc. I prefer to keep the anonymity in the web, that’s the reason because I never use my real name on internet. In the social media some user recognize me for do comics in Devianart, others for lead and help in a ambitious web project, or just for being funny in some groups.

Well, that’s all I can tell about me, I wish you like my blog. J