Friday, July 5, 2019

An admirable person...

One motive of I choose my career was because I love chemistry, when I was a scholar that was my favorite subject, and in one class of nuclear chemistry, the teacher mention one scientific that won the novel prize of chemistry and the nobel prize of Physics, and it was a woman named Marie Currie, the mother of the nuclear chemistry.
Image result for marie curie

She was a pioneer on the field of radioactivity, she born in Poland and she had a husband named Pierre Curie, the two of them won the Nobel prize of physics, because the two makes greats discovers about the radioactive phenomena, three years after, her husband dies in a road accident, so Marie curie decide to make a tribute contributing in the creation of a new laboratory in honor of his husband. A little time after she discover two new elements, that was the radium and the polonium, named like her natal country, for this discover she won the Nobel prize of chemistry in 1911. She continues to improve the study of radioactivity until she dies of anemia for the exposure a radiation.

I like Marie Curie because I was the first person in win two Nobel prizes of two different fields of science, and she discovered two elements, that is amazing, not any person can do that, when I was graduated of my career I wish make discovers like Marie Curie, an do advances to science to improve ours life.

Image result for marie curie


  1. I chose also Marie Curie as a person that admire in my field! She was amazing and her legacy continues

  2. Mary curie is a great icon of the science and one of the fist women in do a legacy in the wold

  3. Undoubtedly Curie's work was very important to today's knowledge, really an inspiration for the world

  4. I love your choice! She was a great contribution to current science.
