Friday, May 31, 2019

We all love technology...

Well, technology is an important part of our life like humans of the 21st century, all our routines include a technological artifact like a computer, a TV, internet, etc. Even in studies is important to download documents to do the homework, etc.

Related imageIt´s hard select a technological artifact like the best, but for me, it is the computer, because is the most complete, I mean, it has everything that so much other device have, like you can see TV programs online, you can download document, it has programs to write reports, you can share images, etc.

I got my first computer when I was 6 years old, in that age I use it to play games and draw in paint, I have a cousin that he had a computer in a younger age too and we usually talk about techniques to paint in Photoshop.
I use this device for talk to other people, watch series, do homework, to draw, etc. the majority of time I use the internet function of the computer, it is really funny, sometimes in my free time I use it to play some video games.

The life without this device can be like buy other artifacts that can do things like the computer offers, like a TV to see material audio-visual, a written machine to write reports, the phone for communicate to long distances, etc. so, in that case our house would be full of devices, and the money to maintain it will be almost the double, so the life in this scenario can seems be a little hard.
The evolution of technology is fast, what will we have in a few years more?.

Image result for serial experiments lain


  1. My father bought his first computer when I was a child and also I used to draw in paint! It was amazing haha

  2. Computer is very useful, thanks it i don´t want more TV, because all is on internet

  3. Also, i love your background picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!

  4. all images of your blog are so cool:)
    I use the computer to study too like all the other rats of laboratory haha <3

  5. when i 6 years old my computer was a toy :(

  6. you have your first computer very young!

  7. you are right!! we love technology, but it is not indispensable, even though the live is more easy with this :)
